Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Right Time

You know, I struggle from time to time, on "What am I suppose to be doing?" This came up just a few weeks ago as a very good friend of mine sent us Gal's a copy to a blogger's site about struggling with making the right decisions. It's amazing how so many women struggle with working full time, being mom full time, wife full time......get what I am saying? It is just such a filled day and hardly time to just stop and smell the roses. Well, here was my reaction to the blogger's site that also struggles with the same sinerio.

I know exactly what she is talking about. I struggle EVERY day with “What am I here to do?” This only makes me realize, what am I here to do is right in front of me. Right HERE – at work, with others at lunch, at the retail store – WHERE EVER……. That where ever is Here……It is hard. I just want to be home, do my crafts, sale my crafts, take the kids to and from school, help with the homework…..ALL of it 100%. Not 10 % here and there or 100% sometimes and then not again for a few days or weeks. But, what I realize, God is in control and He does know best. He tells me all the time, “Just wait, I have the right time, the right season, the When and Where. Don’t be impatient, wait on me. My timing is perfect and you will reap those rewards with that timing comes.” WOW! Can you say – Get a Grip? He has ways to totally get our attention and make us listen. I am grateful He has given me gifts, I just want to use them Now in case the opportunity doesn’t present its time when I think the timing is right. But, oh well – how wrong I can be. He is faithful and I am glad He is in control and not me b/c I make enough messes.

I have realized that if I was to go forth with My dream(s) – it would be totally wrong and would totally fail. Why – well, I have been busy all week with different sales and guess what – scrambling to find the time to get it done. That makes me realize even more – that His timing is near and it will work itself out.

I am so glad you shared this with me. It just reassures the thoughts I have that – HE will make the time presented with it is right. Otherwise, however, I must stand firm and continue the daily task He has for me to conquer.

Life is good~

How true this is. God is in control, and I am grateful. I do enough mistakes on my own.

Hope you enjoyed this.

Until next time -

Be Blessed~
