Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Welcome to Paper Does It - Designs by Vanessa

I am so excited. Christmas has arrived, come, & gone and I am still enjoying the season. I love it when you can celebrate an event for weeks at a time. You know - getting gifts for days even after the event is wonderful.

I want to pay back. Have you ever heard of PayForward? Well, that is what I want to do. I want to celebrate my Etsy shop and welcome new followers. I am very excited about this promotion that I will be hosting.

For new followers, you will be entered into a drawing for up to $10.00 FREE Merchandise. That is right - FREE. Who doesn't LOVE FREE~ Become a follower and be rewarded.

If you have not checked out my Etsy account, I encourage you to do so. You can check me out at

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing which items you like best.

Happy NEW Year~

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I am so excited about this new project I decided to concure. I had seen these elsewhere, and thought, "I know I can do that". Well, let's get started here. These are 2x2x3 blocks. I downloaded pictures and attached their name underneath. This became 1 side of the block. I then found some beautiful Christmas scrapbook paper. I picked out my best 2 favorites and used one for one side and the other for the other side. Oh - my - I just love it. It has been so much fun. I then wanted to add some of God's own words, so therefore, I decided to go with John 10:10. I typed out this scripture and gave it a green background, va-laa...this was my 4th side. Well you know when you decided to cover a block, you must cover all sides; including top & bottom. I picked out another kind of scrapbook paper and cut down to size for the top. For the bottom I wanted the year these were made on them. I typed these up and gave them a green background as well. And WOW - now the project is almost done. How did I keep the paper attached to the block. Well first I sent the paper through an adhesive machine I have and then put them on the blocks. Then I wanted to ensure that they stay in place and last a long time. I used ModPodge Matte finish to seal them. I needed a way to make them assessible to hang on the tree. I used eye screws on the top of the ornament. Then I couldn't stand it. I had to embellish them with ribbon for hanging. I am so excited about these, I just wished I had completed the project way before now so that I could have included them in my Christmas Items for sale on my site.

As I said before, Pictures are the key. That is a way to look back over the past and see where the future has carried you. I hope you like these. If you are interested in any for yourself, a friend, teacher or whoever - let me know. I am up for the challenge.

May God Bless you this Christmas~

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I get so excited this time of year. Christmas is "I think" the most fun, cherished, memorable time of year.

Christmas is a time for getting with your loved ones, friends, family and just whoever and share the love you have for one another. Christmas is when God gave us His best love.....Jesus. WOW how beautiful. A child sent to show me love, give me love, share love, SAVE me......I needed saved. I don't know about you, but when God sent His son - well, it was the best gift to ever receive.

What are the most cherished gifts given during this time of year? Pictures~ This time of year you may spend time with family and friends that you haven't seen for a long time. It is hard for me to catch up in just those few days. Pictures are a great gift to give. WHY? Well, they get to go with you or with your friends for later viewing.

I am so amazed at how much the children grow each year. They are almost as tall as me. That doesn't say much since I am a short person. "I didn't say that"~ Anyway, they grow so much from year to year so much. And I just feel like sometimes the time has gotten away from me. But, the best way I keep those memories cherished - Pictures. Yep - once the opportunity is gone, you can't get it back. Each year I look forward to taking pictures of the boys in their daddy's shirt. Of course - their daddy can't wear those shirts anymore - I guess you could say, the kids aren't the only ones growing. LOL. I just love it. Anyway, I look forward to taking those pictures just to see how much they have grown. Not only have they grown in size, but in knowledge & spiritually.

I know that God gave them to me so I could raise them and teach them about Him. In this world the way it is, sometimes that is a hard job. Don't get me wrong, my kids are great kids....they're kids. I let them be kids. It happens overnight as it is that they grow up. I love to cherish every moment.

You know how you can get frustrated with your children because they don't do this or that - or they did this or that....and it frustrates you so? Well, yep - I get that way. I use those times to AWAKEN me. I need to be reminded sometimes what my job is and why God gave them to me. You see - none of us are perfect. And just like God has to RAISE us, we have to raise them. Just think how the children frustrate us, we frustrate God just the same. Trust in Him to lead & guide you. After all, that is what He promised us.

I hope that this season you grow with God and get to know Him. Have great times with your family and friends. Make memories. Laugh & Live......GROW - be the child God intended you to be.

Merry Christmas~

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Right Time

You know, I struggle from time to time, on "What am I suppose to be doing?" This came up just a few weeks ago as a very good friend of mine sent us Gal's a copy to a blogger's site about struggling with making the right decisions. It's amazing how so many women struggle with working full time, being mom full time, wife full time......get what I am saying? It is just such a filled day and hardly time to just stop and smell the roses. Well, here was my reaction to the blogger's site that also struggles with the same sinerio.

I know exactly what she is talking about. I struggle EVERY day with “What am I here to do?” This only makes me realize, what am I here to do is right in front of me. Right HERE – at work, with others at lunch, at the retail store – WHERE EVER……. That where ever is Here……It is hard. I just want to be home, do my crafts, sale my crafts, take the kids to and from school, help with the homework…..ALL of it 100%. Not 10 % here and there or 100% sometimes and then not again for a few days or weeks. But, what I realize, God is in control and He does know best. He tells me all the time, “Just wait, I have the right time, the right season, the When and Where. Don’t be impatient, wait on me. My timing is perfect and you will reap those rewards with that timing comes.” WOW! Can you say – Get a Grip? He has ways to totally get our attention and make us listen. I am grateful He has given me gifts, I just want to use them Now in case the opportunity doesn’t present its time when I think the timing is right. But, oh well – how wrong I can be. He is faithful and I am glad He is in control and not me b/c I make enough messes.

I have realized that if I was to go forth with My dream(s) – it would be totally wrong and would totally fail. Why – well, I have been busy all week with different sales and guess what – scrambling to find the time to get it done. That makes me realize even more – that His timing is near and it will work itself out.

I am so glad you shared this with me. It just reassures the thoughts I have that – HE will make the time presented with it is right. Otherwise, however, I must stand firm and continue the daily task He has for me to conquer.

Life is good~

How true this is. God is in control, and I am grateful. I do enough mistakes on my own.

Hope you enjoyed this.

Until next time -

Be Blessed~


Monday, August 30, 2010

Being Crafty

I am so amazed at how God gives us all gifts and He does it so flawless. I am not perfect my all means, but I learn something new everyday and hear God tell me, "Now, I have made it a way for you to learn this and I expect you to use it to glorify me." How awesome is that? He not only shows us new things but He wants us to know just hold on to that knowledge.

It reminds me of the 3 people he gave the 3 talents to and how each of them went their on way and did different things with their talents. In the end, the one that did not do anything with his talents, lost out.

If we don't use the gifts that God has given us, not only will we not gain more knowlege on that gift, but we will lose site of it all together. God doesn't expect us to know everything but He does expect us to do. He tells us in His word; He will equip us if we just say Yes to the calling.

I want to share with you my new project. I have become completely hooked on making these. Purses - crocheted. Color coordinated and very handy. I hope you enjoy this and always remember to check out my site for other listings.

Until Next Time - Be Blessed~

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Long Time

Well it has been a long time since I last wrote. Kinda missed all of you. We have been so busy that I can't even think straight. Between work, sports, work, and more sports - gee ; where has the time gone.

You know what I love about all that activity? God has been there the whole time. He didn't let me go and do anything without Him. Isn't that great. I love it.

Well - my best friends son (Tyler) left for college yesterday. I do wish him all the luck. I know he will be great and become very successful. He's stubborn like that. My way or no way kinda guy. That is good in someways, and in others - well; let's just say "The world doesn't stop going on a dime". God has great plans for him and I know he will not let God down.

It has been a hot summer. Now here we are in August - the hottest month. I guess you kinda get used to the hotness. What's the difference in hot from 90 to 104? Hot is Hot~

I hope you have allowed yourself to grow and get closer to God since the last time I spent time with you. He is wonderful, and has promising furtures for us if we are just willing. I am trying to get my project planning in order for our upcoming WMU Luncheon. I want to talk about courage and how God can get us through our fears of the "I can'ts". With Him we CAN and when we allow Him to work through us we WILL.
Here is the verse I plan to work with:
I the Lord your God will hold your right hand, saying to you, "Fear not; I will you." Isaiah 41:13.

It is so exciting to know that with God all things are possible, even from the littliest thing to the biggest - nothing is too small or too great for Him. Man - that is exciting. To know that we have such an AWESOME God that is so WONDERFUL and GREAT and KNOWING and SMART and GIVING and FORGIVING, and on and on we can go. I personally don't want anyone else in control of me or my life.

I hope you are well and stay in the Word and Work of our Great Lord 'til we meet again.

God Bless~

Saturday, June 26, 2010

VBS-Vacation Bible School

It has been an interesting week at our church. Each night this week we have held VBS. The class that I presented was The Woman At The Well. I think I had more helpers than anybody else, which was a great thing. Dennis played Jesus for our skit with Angel playing the woman at the well. We taught a different class each night, ending with the 4 & 5 graders on our last night.

We could have not asked for a better time. The lessons were wonderful, the kids were great, and the helpers - well they just multiplied. We had approx. 28 children and just as many helpers. It was WONDERFUL.

We learned this week that Our God is Awesome, Amazing, Magnificant, and Wonderful. I cannot agree more. He is all of these things and more. He has created such a beautiful universe. I just love to sit outside (when it isn't so hot) and enjoy listening to the birds, seeing the butterflies, feeling the breeze shoot through the trees. And to me there is nothing more beautiful than to see a rainbow after a summer shower.

I hope you see how wonderful and awesome God is each day as you go about your daily life. Sometimes, you just have to stop and smell the coffee.

Until next time - remember:
God is amazing because He knows you, He created you and He loves you.
God is awesome, just look at His magnificant work.
God is wonderful, He takes us and molds us to be in His image.
God id magnificant, He is so forgiving, and loving, and understanding, and ..........

God Bless~

Saturday, June 12, 2010


It has been an exciting day. One of my dear friends son graduated today from High School. It has been both wonderful and experiencing to watch a child grow up into a nice young man. We have known this couple for about 11 years. I have watched her children grow up, graduate, get married, and just quiet honestly become beautiful adults. Tyler is the youngest and will now be going off to college this fall. I wish him the best of luck for success and in maturaty.

It amazes me every day to see God's work. How he molds us, grows us, waters us when we need it. How He teaches us, talks to us, and plainly just shows up in our lives everyday. My husband and I became Christians and joined our church about 11 years ago. We have grown so much since then. Both my boys asked Jesus into their hearts and have been baptized. It was so wonderful to see them go through that transition and grow ever more over the years.

I say to my friend, another mile stone has been reached. Now is the time to really get your life back and live. Go out and see your friends, witness to all you come in contact with. You know what is funny - I don't have to tell my friend these things. She is wonderful, and is one of the finest people I have met. She is so encouraging, and funny. She has been one of the many people I have come in contact with that has helped me and shown me how to grow more and more in my faith. Friend - I love ya. Now that you don't have the 5 kids following you around, you can help me raise mine.......... Oh -okay - I see.....been there, done that......

Anyway, always remember that when you carry God by your side and in your life; he will never leave you. He is our comforter, guardian, guider, friend, leader, shoulder to cry on, listener, builds character in us, all of these things. I don't know what I would do without Him.

I leave you today with Gods word in Romans.

We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

May God lift you up when you come to the milestone in your life: empty nest

May God make you smile when you rejoice in the milestone: grandchildren

May God hold you close when you endjure the milestone: death of a loved one

May God guide your mind when you stand in the milestone: lost and confused

May God meet your needs when you are in the milestons: hungry and thirsty

May God be that best friend when you go through that milestone: lonely

Thanks God, for friendship, love, guidance and yes - for Graduating Children........

God Bless~!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kinds of Love - Love Somebody Today

Did you know there are all kinds of love? There is family love, friendship love, spiritual love, and "spouse" love. How would you deceifer these kinds of love? How would you describe them"

Family Love: the unlimited love you have for your children, mother, father, grandparents, sister, brother, etc.

Friendship Love: the challenging love you may have for a close friend.

Spouse Love: the unlimited, challenging, rewarding love you have for your spouse.

Spiritual Love: the love you have for God and Jesus Christ.

Are you limiting the love you have spiritual for other committments and priorities in your life or do you wear the unselfish love - focused on giving, not getting? Do you involve Christ in your everyday life? Are you working for Christ all the time wherever you are or do you have fear of rejection?

God tells us in 1 Corinthians 13-----Love is patient, love is kind; love envies not, boasts not, is not haughty, is not rude, is not self-seeking, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil; rejoices not in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth; love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.

***Love someone today!****Vanessa

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Envelope Seals

Here is one of my latest crafts. These are 1.25 Envelope Seals. I have had such a good time doing and creating these. Guess what the teachers got for their end of the year gifts? You got it. These seals, and other things I make.

You can find these on my site:

Great gift. These can be customized for any occassion or event, or season or........on and on you could go......

Oh My Crafts!: What's new with Cricut?

Oh My Crafts!: What's new with Cricut?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Paper Does It...Designs by Vanessa

We here at Paper Does It, love crafting. Crafting is a wonderful way to espress how you feel or who you are. Crafting can be done in so many ways. We here love to craft using paper. There isn't much that can't be done without paper. Journaling, drawing, painting, cardmaking, scrapbooking,.....etc...... We hope you enjoy our blog, and stay connected with us.

God Bless!

My Boys

I have two sons, Matthew (11) and Jacob (10). I had tried for several years to get pregnant and was unable to. After several doctor visits and many procedures, my sweetheart Matthew came along. Only 13 months later, there came my honeybun Jacob.