It has been an exciting day. One of my dear friends son graduated today from High School. It has been both wonderful and experiencing to watch a child grow up into a nice young man. We have known this couple for about 11 years. I have watched her children grow up, graduate, get married, and just quiet honestly become beautiful adults. Tyler is the youngest and will now be going off to college this fall. I wish him the best of luck for success and in maturaty.
It amazes me every day to see God's work. How he molds us, grows us, waters us when we need it. How He teaches us, talks to us, and plainly just shows up in our lives everyday. My husband and I became Christians and joined our church about 11 years ago. We have grown so much since then. Both my boys asked Jesus into their hearts and have been baptized. It was so wonderful to see them go through that transition and grow ever more over the years.
I say to my friend, another mile stone has been reached. Now is the time to really get your life back and live. Go out and see your friends, witness to all you come in contact with. You know what is funny - I don't have to tell my friend these things. She is wonderful, and is one of the finest people I have met. She is so encouraging, and funny. She has been one of the many people I have come in contact with that has helped me and shown me how to grow more and more in my faith. Friend - I love ya. Now that you don't have the 5 kids following you around, you can help me raise mine.......... Oh -okay - I see.....been there, done that......
Anyway, always remember that when you carry God by your side and in your life; he will never leave you. He is our comforter, guardian, guider, friend, leader, shoulder to cry on, listener, builds character in us, all of these things. I don't know what I would do without Him.
I leave you today with Gods word in Romans.
We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
May God lift you up when you come to the milestone in your life: empty nest
May God make you smile when you rejoice in the milestone: grandchildren
May God hold you close when you endjure the milestone: death of a loved one
May God guide your mind when you stand in the milestone: lost and confused
May God meet your needs when you are in the milestons: hungry and thirsty
May God be that best friend when you go through that milestone: lonely
Thanks God, for friendship, love, guidance and yes - for Graduating Children........
God Bless~!